Black Cod is this the next Grey Nurse Shark?

Common name: Black Cod

Scientific name: Epinephelus daemelii

Size: Max. length 2m

Habitat: Adult black cod are usually found in caves, gutters and beneath bommies on rocky reefs. They are territorial and often occupy a particular cave for life. Small juveniles are often found in coastal rock pools, and larger juveniles around rocky shores in estuaries.

Diet: Black cod are opportunistic carnivores, eating mainly other fish and crustaceans.

Appearance: They can change from one colour pattern to another in just a few seconds. They are usually black in estuaries and banded around clear water reefs. Black cod are apparently slow growing. Smaller fish are mostly females, but they generally change sex to become males at around 100-110 cm in length.

Guys, Please report any Black Cod sightings to Mel Brown. [email protected]

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