Club Records

Sans Souci Dolphins Spearfishing Records

To claim a Club Record

  1. The Record Application Form must be filled out.
  2. All fish must be weighed on certified/tested set of scales.
  3. No record shall be entered for fish not shot in an organised competition unless accompanied by a photograph showing the length and girth, and form signed by a witness to the weight.
  4. Record application must be submitted within six months of date of capture.
  5. All fish must exceed the existing record by at least 25 grams. Fish exceeding the existing record by a lesser amount shall be declared an equal record.

Click here for link to application –

NSW waters are -‘Brunswick to Green Cape’, fish speared outside of this area are eligible for the ‘Specie Speared outside NSW Waters’ records.

In compiling these records I found that throughout the reference books I have used, many specie of fish might have several different names, I have endeavoured to use the most common name.

As Queenslanders in different areas do seem to have their own naming competition with certain families of fish, I have been naming the species speared outside NSW waters with the given name preferred by the outstanding book “Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea” by Randall-Allen-Steene. When claiming a record be aware of the scientific name, as this does not differ and therefore is the most positive source of identification

Simon Trippe

Dolphins Club Records 2024