G’day Dolphins!
Thank you for all of those who attended last nights meeting. It was a good night and it was great to catch up with you all before Christmas.
We had our 2011 AGM last night and i would like to introduce to the Committee of 2011.
President: Jason “Huffy” Montes
Vice President: Shane Brandtman
Treasurer: Mark “Dutchie” Holland
Sports Sec: Simon Trippe/Parry Gryltis (shared roll)
Minutes Recorder: Ryan McAuliffe
Club Delegate: Justin “Olaf” Field
Club Delegate: Simon Trippe
Club Delegate: Jason Montes
SSD BBQ King: Ali Sayed/Brett Wadell (shared roll)
Fund Raising officer: Ali Sayed
Website officer: Sam Krywulycz/Steve Whalley (shared roll)
Merchandise Officer: Steve Whalley
Safety Officer: Wade Koolis
Safety Officer: Simon Trippe
Safety Officer: Mark Barry
Safety Officer: Ian Puckeridge
Public Liaison Officer: Oly Wady
Congratulations and thank you to all the guys that have put their hand up in helping our club next year.
We greatly appreciate your help.
I would also like to thank all of you, our members, for the year we have had. It has been a great year for us and i know we will only make next year a better one.
I wish a Merry Christmas to you and your families and a safe and Happy New Year.
Good luck on your diving this holiday season and please remember, don’t push your limits and watch your dive buddy! There are also a lot of boats around this time of year so be careful!
I look forward to seeing you all in the new year and hearing your stories of the great fish you have shot.
Cheers and beers in this festive season
Jason “huffy” Montes
Sans Souci Dolphins